• Posted by : LiTTleDRAgo Jul 20, 2014

    This script can show a damage number on your character like how ABS do it in maps

    $scene.damage(event, string, random, color) # XP / VX
    SceneManager.scene.damage(event, string, random, color) # VXA

    { 2 comments... read them below or Comment }

    1. Very nice script - keep on the good work!
      I have a question: You say inside the script
      that it is possible to show a string or a number
      for the damage that is dealt. I´m a beginner to
      "Ruby" so I would like to know if you can show
      up a variable instead too?
      Thank you+Greetings

    2. this is an example:

      event = $game_map.events[1]
      string = $game_variables[1]
      random = 10
      color = Color.new(255,0,0)
      $scene.damage(event, string, random, color)


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